Johnson County Democrats
Friday, October 15, 2004
HQ needs


Hi Johnson County,

Things are heating up as we get closer and closer to the election.
The Johnson County Democratic offices have expanded into the annex
next door, we have eight new phone lines, and just today we got a
new staffer, Travis Brock, from D.C. We look forward to many more
staffers joining us in the coming weeks. To accomodate all this
growth we need your help.

We are looking for folks to provide:

1. Housing
2. Desks
3. Additional internet cable lines - extra long
4. Extenion cords and power strips
5. Pens and legal pads
6. Toilet paper
7. Healthy snacks
8. Stamps
9. Folding tray tables

If you can provide any of these materials contact Beverly, another
wonderfull addition to our staff, at 337-8683 or just show up with

Jen Stokes
Field Organizer
Coordinated Campaign
ph: 337-9265


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Thursday, October 14, 2004
The A-Team needs your help

From: Jeffrey Fields

As you all know, the Affirmative Action Team has a Get Out The Vote
Rally planned for Saturday October 23, 2004 from 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
at Bob’s Your Uncle Restaurant at 749 Mormon Trek Blvd. (near the
University of Iowa Creidt Uniion).

We need your help. We know that every campaign and several other
organizations need your help too. But if you have the time, we need
door knockers, voter registrars, and knowledgable Dems. If you have
questions, please contct James Moody or Jeffrey Fields. This is what
we need:

Friday October 14th @ 6pm: Flyer Drop. We will meet at Bob's Your
Uncle and drop leaflets for 59 minutes. Each person can do about
75-100 doors in an hour. The more the merrier.

Thursday October 21st @ 6pm: Flyer Drop. We will meet at Bob's Your
Uncle and drop leaflets for 59 minutes. Any help you can offer is
greatly appreciated.

Saturday October 23rd @ 1pm: Flyer Drop. We will meet at Bob's Your
Uncle and drop leaflets before the GOTV Rally..

Saturday October 23rd @ 2pm: Dessert!!!! We would greatly appreciate
your donation of a plate of cookies, brownies, or whatever sounds good
to you. These snacks can be dropped off any time between 1pm and 3pm.

Saturday October 23rd @ 2pm-4pm: GOTV Rally. We need folks to help
knock nearby doors, register voters, and provide information. You
don't have to be there the whole time. If you can come for 15, 30, or
45 minutes, it willbe helpful.

All Dems, Elected Officials, and Candidates are invited on any or all
of the above dates. For more information contact:

James Moody


Jeffrey Fields


“We cannot walk alone. And as we walk, we must make the pledge that we
shall march ahead. We cannot turn back. There are those who are
asking the devotees of civil rights, "When will you be satisfied?" . .
. We cannot be satisfied as long as a [person's] basic mobility is from
a smaller ghetto to a larger one . . . We can never be satisfied as
long as . . . a [person] believes he has nothing for which to vote.
No, no, we are not satisfied, and we will not be satisfied until
justice rolls down like waters and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
- Excerpted from "I Have A Dream" by Martin Luther King, Jr.

Respectfully,Jeffrey FieldsJCDemAction@yahoo.comAffirmative Action
Co-ChairJohnson County Democratic Party319-339-0994 (Office)


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Art Small b-day party, 10/19

From: Sally Mills

Celebrate Art Small's Birthday with a Party for Victory

Johnson County's own Art Small, Democratic candidate for the U.S.
Senate, has a
birthday in October. All Big Thinkers, Small Supporters, and Democrats
everywhere are invited to join the celebration on Tuesday, October 19!
give Art the birthday present he really wants, and that Iowa and
America really
need -- let's send Art to Washington, D.C.

What: Art Small's Birthday Party for Victory
When: Tuesday, October 19, 7:00-9:00 p.m.
Where: Campaign Headquarters, 2nd floor, Old Capitol Mall, 201 S.
Clinton St.

If you have out-of-town friends who might like to help us celebrate,
invite them
to host a house party for Art on the 19th! Hosts will receive a video
and a
chance to talk with Art via a conference call. Check our website
and click on "Host a House Party."

Gifts are welcome. Contributions will go toward important last-minute
advertising and get-out-the-vote efforts. (Gifts to Art Small for
Senate are
not deductible for federal income tax purposes.)



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Anti-Kerry movie

From: David Redlawsk


At the Central Committee meeting last night I mentioned a web site with
information about Sinclair Broadcasting and their plans to run the
anti-Kerry propaganda movie "Stolen Honor" on their stations. (KGAN in
is one of theirs.) I gave out a web address that I might have
The address for the site about boycotting Sinclair is: Go to it and check out the list of
on KGAN. If you do business with any of them, call them up and ask them
(politely) to remove their advertising from this dishonest and biased
station, operating under the false claim that is is presenting "news".



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Wednesday, October 13, 2004
BBQ thank yous


It was thrilling to see such a large number of people help with the
this past Saturday. Because of all of you it was a success. Thanks
to you who cut pies, thawed buns, ran to the store, sold pop, and did
the myriad of other kitchen tasks. Thanks to those who set up chairs,
put up signs, and decorated. Thanks to everyone who sold advance
collected at the door, sold raffle tickets, and organized games for
the kids. Thanks to folks who helped clean up, stayed late to load up
cars, and delivered leftovers to Gina's house. Thanks to those who lent
their coolers and spoons, lent a sound system, brought desserts and
and donated items for the silent auction. What an awesome bunch!!!
We would also like to acknowledge Drew Beck at Hawkeye Foodservice for
his help in planning and supplying the barbecue, and who also spent the
entire day in the kitchen.

Kirsten, Pat, Rod, and Gina


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KCJJ forum -- time


I am sorry apparently I did not give the time for KCJJ's live forum.  8
Thank you,


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KCJJ debate, 10/14


Hello everyone. Just a little reminder that there will be a live on
debate between myself and my Republican opponent Steve Snyder tomorrow
on KCJJ. This is AM 1630 on your dial. I encourage you to call in
with your

Phone Numbers: 354-1242


Lonny Pulkrabek


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From: "Sarah Swisher"

The debate watch party is at Diamond  Dave's immediately following the
CC Meeting.

Sarah Swisher

Chair, Johnson County Democrats


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GOTV rally 10/23

From: Jeffrey Fields

Get Out The Vote Rally

Saturday October 23, 2004

from 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.

at Bob’s Your Uncle Restaurant

749 Mormon Trek Blvd.

Register To Vote - Meet Local Candidates - Discuss Local Issues -
Discuss The November Election - Get Information On Candidates - Let
Your Voice Be Heard


Free Pizza, Burgers, Chips, Lemonade, & Information

“We cannot walk alone. And as we walk, we must make the pledge that we
shall march ahead. We cannot turn back. There are those who are
asking the devotees of civil rights, "When will you be satisfied?" . .
. We cannot be satisfied as long as a [person's] basic mobility is from
a smaller ghetto to a larger one . . . We can never be satisfied as
long as . . . a [person] believes he has nothing for which to vote.
No, no, we are not satisfied, and we will not be satisfied until
justice rolls down like waters and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
- Excerpted from "I Have A Dream" by Martin Luther King, Jr.

For more information, contact Johnson County Democrats Affirmative
Action Co-Chairs

James Moody


Jeffrey Fields


Respectfully,Jeffrey FieldsJCDemAction@yahoo.comAffirmative Action
Co-ChairJohnson County Democratic Party319-339-0994 (Office)


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CC mtg/Debate watch tonight

From: David Redlawsk


Just a brief reminder -- the JC Dems Central Committee meeting is
TONIGHT (Wed.) at HQ, 2nd Floor, Old Cap Mall at 7:00. Please try to
make it a few minutes early so we can get started right away. Following
a BRIEF CC meeting we will adjourn to Buffalo Wild Wings to watch the
3rd and final presidential debate, as John Kerry moves closer to
Victory on November 2. Hope to see you all there!

Dave Redlawsk
1st Vice Chair


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Tuesday, October 12, 2004
'Stop Outsourcing Our Future!' on local access TV

From: "david leshtz"

Outsourcing of good jobs is reaching new heights, and is now occurring
in the service sector as well as in manufacturing.  Tune in for this
of the impact that Bush Administration trade policies are having on
communities in Iowa and the U.S. 

Stop Outsourcing Our Future is scheduled to appear on The CITY Channel 4
at the following times:

Monday, October 25th @ 4:00 PM
Tuesday, October 26th @ 12:00 midnight
Tuesday, October 26th @ 8:00 AM
Wednesday, October 27th @ 11:00 AM
Wednesday, October 27th @ 7:00 PM
Thursday, October 28th @ 3:00 AM
Saturday, October 30th @ 2:30 AM

Mike Owen, Iowa House candidate, District 79
Mark Shearer, Iowa House candidate, District 89
Peter Fisher, Professor, University of Iowa Department of Urban and
Regional Planning
Dave Leshtz, Director, Iowa Fair Trade Campaign


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Reminder: LWV forum tonight 10/12


Hello everyone.  I just wanted to remind you of the League of Women
Voters forum being held tonight at the Iowa City Public Library.  It
starts at 7pm and is held in Meeting Room A.
Hope to see you there.
Lonny Pulkrabek


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Non-Partisan Party for Lonny Pulkrabek, 10/18


I wanted to extend this invitation to everyone.  If you are interested
in attending please RSVP to the number on the bottom of the invitation.
You are invited to a
Non-Partisan Party for Lonny
Who:  All supporters of Lonny Pulkrabek
 for Johnson County Sheriff
When:  Monday, October 18, 2004  6:30 pm-9:00 pm
Where:  1524 Forest Road, Coralville
Home of David and Karen Fesler
$10 minimum donation to campaign is suggested
Checks made out to:  Lonny for Sheriff
RSVP or directions:  356-0253


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Monday, October 11, 2004
Franker 'Vote for Choice' event, 10/11 at 7pm


A ‘Voice for Choice’ Event

IOWA CITY – 2nd District Democratic Congressional candidate Dave
Franker will
be speaking at the Hamburg Inn on Monday, October 11 at 7 p.m. at the
Inn in Iowa City, 214 N. Linn St.

Come join us for some stone soup and hear why Dave Franker will be a
better ‘Voice for Choice’ than our current representative. Dave will be
available to answer questions and talk with attendees about issues.

The event is free and open to the public.

For more information on Dave Franker, please visit his website at:


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Kerry/Edwards in DM, 10/14

From: "Gordon Fischer"


Please join us in welcoming John Kerry, John Edwards, Teresa Heinz
Kerry, and Elizabeth Edwards to Des Moines on Thursday, October 14.
This is an exciting opportunity to show your support for the
Kerry-Edwards vision of a stronger America. The rally will also feature
the music of county singer Hal Ketchum and an appearance from actor
Josh Hartnett.

Make sure to bring your friends, family, and neighbors to see the next
president and vice president of the United States.

Tickets are required for this event. To print your complimentary
ticket(s) or to volunteer at the rally, please click here:

Thursday, October 14
Gates open at 6:00 p.m.

Agricultural Building on the Fairgrounds
East 30th Street and University Avenue
Des Moines, IA


Due to security, please do not bring any umbrellas, bags, or signs.
Please limit personal items as well. This event will take place RAIN

Free parking will be available in the North Lot of the Fair Grounds,
off of East University. Parking will be limited, so please try to
carpool. For a map of the Iowa State Fairgrounds, click here:

For help with directions, click here and scroll to down to Question 10:

As we enter the homestretch of this campaign, your support is needed
now more than ever. John Kerry and John Edwards have a plan to make
America stronger at home and respected in the world. Join us at the
rally, and show that you want to put our country back on the right
path. John Kerry and John Edwards will show you that hope is on the

Thanks for standing with us,

Iowa for Kerry-Edwards


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Safe Seats in House Keep True Races Rare
Safe Seats in House Keep True Races Rare

Gerrymandering meets GIS and the real battles aren't elections anymore.

The most important driving forces are the careful, computer-aided redrawing of congressional districts and the willingness of incumbents from both major parties to embrace new political maps that help them retain their seats.

The redrawing of political boundaries, a time-honored but once-coarse craft involving considerable guesswork, has evolved in the computer age into a fine science.

Many people insist that they vote for the individual, not the party. But most voters are reliably partisan. Run their voting histories through a few computer programs, and the political demographics of a neighborhood can be calculated with accuracy, allowing creation of districts with stable Democratic or Republican majorities...

Sunday, October 10, 2004
JJ Dinner -- additional speakers

>From: "Katie Beno"

>  Vanessa Kerry, Sharon Stone Added to JJ Lineup
>Annual Democratic Dinner to also to feature Al Franken & surprise
>Future First Daughter Vanessa Kerry, actress Sharon Stone, and
comedian and
>best selling Author Al Franken will headline the annual Iowa
>Party Jefferson-Jackson Dinner on Saturday, October 16th, 2004.
>For tickets, log on to the IDP website.
>The Dinner will be hosted by Gerald McEntee, the President of the
>Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME,) and will
>feature other surprise special guests.
>"This will be the election kickoff party, marking the final days of
the Bush
>Administration," promises Iowa Democratic Party Chair Gordon Fischer.
>a great line-up!  Vanessa Kerry has been a powerful advocate for her
>and we a thrilled to have her at JJ. Al Franken and Sharon Stone will
>some big star wattage. Gerry McEntee is a great speaker who is sure
to fire
>up the crowd. Plus, we have other some surprise special guests on tap
>will add excitement.
>"After all the wrong choices George Bush has made, it is great that
>Democrats are celebrating the Kerry-Edwards plan to strengthen our
>and I couldn't think of anywhere else I'd rather be, Vanessa Kerry
>"Iowa made my dad our party's leader and in a few weeks it will make
him our
>country's next President."
>The 2003 JJ Dinner was attended by over 7000 people, attracted seven
>presidential candidates, and was televised live by CSPAN. It was
>regarded as a turning point in John Kerry's caucus campaign, as Kerry
>unveiled his "Bring It On" trademark and was cheered on by thousands
>WHO:          Vanessa Kerry, Sharon Stone, Al Franken, Gerald McEntee
>                    Governor Tom Vilsack, Senator Tom Harkin, and
>WHAT:        2004 Jefferson-Jackson Dinner
>WHERE:      Veterans Auditorium
>Des Moines
>WHEN:        Saturday, October 16th
>Doors open at 5:30. Dinner at 6:30
>For tickets, log on to
>, or call Donna
>Media credentials can be obtained by calling John McCormally at
>515-558-9580, ext. 316.


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