Johnson County Democrats
Tuesday, October 12, 2004
'Stop Outsourcing Our Future!' on local access TV

From: "david leshtz"

Outsourcing of good jobs is reaching new heights, and is now occurring
in the service sector as well as in manufacturing.  Tune in for this
of the impact that Bush Administration trade policies are having on
communities in Iowa and the U.S. 

Stop Outsourcing Our Future is scheduled to appear on The CITY Channel 4
at the following times:

Monday, October 25th @ 4:00 PM
Tuesday, October 26th @ 12:00 midnight
Tuesday, October 26th @ 8:00 AM
Wednesday, October 27th @ 11:00 AM
Wednesday, October 27th @ 7:00 PM
Thursday, October 28th @ 3:00 AM
Saturday, October 30th @ 2:30 AM

Mike Owen, Iowa House candidate, District 79
Mark Shearer, Iowa House candidate, District 89
Peter Fisher, Professor, University of Iowa Department of Urban and
Regional Planning
Dave Leshtz, Director, Iowa Fair Trade Campaign


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