Johnson County Democrats
Thursday, October 14, 2004
Art Small b-day party, 10/19

From: Sally Mills

Celebrate Art Small's Birthday with a Party for Victory

Johnson County's own Art Small, Democratic candidate for the U.S.
Senate, has a
birthday in October. All Big Thinkers, Small Supporters, and Democrats
everywhere are invited to join the celebration on Tuesday, October 19!
give Art the birthday present he really wants, and that Iowa and
America really
need -- let's send Art to Washington, D.C.

What: Art Small's Birthday Party for Victory
When: Tuesday, October 19, 7:00-9:00 p.m.
Where: Campaign Headquarters, 2nd floor, Old Capitol Mall, 201 S.
Clinton St.

If you have out-of-town friends who might like to help us celebrate,
invite them
to host a house party for Art on the 19th! Hosts will receive a video
and a
chance to talk with Art via a conference call. Check our website
and click on "Host a House Party."

Gifts are welcome. Contributions will go toward important last-minute
advertising and get-out-the-vote efforts. (Gifts to Art Small for
Senate are
not deductible for federal income tax purposes.)



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