Johnson County Democrats
Wednesday, October 13, 2004
BBQ thank yous


It was thrilling to see such a large number of people help with the
this past Saturday. Because of all of you it was a success. Thanks
to you who cut pies, thawed buns, ran to the store, sold pop, and did
the myriad of other kitchen tasks. Thanks to those who set up chairs,
put up signs, and decorated. Thanks to everyone who sold advance
collected at the door, sold raffle tickets, and organized games for
the kids. Thanks to folks who helped clean up, stayed late to load up
cars, and delivered leftovers to Gina's house. Thanks to those who lent
their coolers and spoons, lent a sound system, brought desserts and
and donated items for the silent auction. What an awesome bunch!!!
We would also like to acknowledge Drew Beck at Hawkeye Foodservice for
his help in planning and supplying the barbecue, and who also spent the
entire day in the kitchen.

Kirsten, Pat, Rod, and Gina


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