Update from Regenia Bailey
From: "Regenia Bailey" <regenia@baileyforiowacity.com>
I will hold office hours on Friday, October 21 from 46 p.m. at the eastside Java House, 1575 First Avenue.
No appointment is necessaryjust stop by to talk to me about your concerns and ideas for our community.
On Friday, October 21, the University of Iowa Student Government will host a Town Gown Social (formal name, but casual dress) from 7:00pm-10:00pm in the Sheraton Hotel Ballroom. Student and community leaders will be on hand to talk shop, celebrate, eat dessert, and enjoy a free show BY Dave Zollo. Contact me at <mailto:regenia@baileyforiowacity.com>regenia@baileyforiowacity.com to rsvpwe wouldnt want to run out of dessert!
The public hearings on the proposed zoning code will continue at the Councils next formal meeting on November 1.
There are MANY board and commission openings. The deadline for application is Wednesday, October 26. Visit <http://www.baileyforiowacity.com/>www.baileyforiowacity.com for more information about these.
If youd rather not receive these periodic updates, let me know at: <mailto:regenia@baileyforiowacity.com>regenia@baileyforiowacity.com
Regenia D. Bailey
430 Church Street
Iowa City, IA 52245
319.351.2068 (h)
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