Johnson County Democrats
Tuesday, October 25, 2005
Anti-war Announcement and Schedule

From Loren Glass <>

The University of Iowa Anti-War Committee presents an Anti-War teach-in on the “War on Terror”

Friday Oct. 28
11am – 6:30 pm Michigan Room
3rd floor, Iowa Memorial Union

For more information or if you require special assistance to attend call (319) 594-8389 or e-mail or visit us on the web:

Teach-In Schedule

Session 1. Washington's Real War Aims
11:00 am – 12:30 pm

No weapons of mass destruction were found in Iraq; Saddam Hussein is no longer in power. Now George W. Bush says we are bringing democracy to Iraq. The reality, however,is quite different. Find out about the real foreign policy objectives behind the war on terror and what Uncle Sam really wants.


Loren Glass - The Project for a New American Century (PNAC)
Michael Rack – Imperialism and U.S. foreign policy.

Session 2. Selling War, Promoting = Peace
1:00 pm – 2:30 = pm

The White House and the Media sold the invasion and occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan and potential future military interventions as a global war on
terrorism. Find out how they are selling the war and some of the creative responses the anti-war movement is using to challenge it.


Laura Rigal - Making Terror: Bush's Speeches on Iraq
Mike Chasar - Art and Social Protest

Session 3. Scapegoating, Detention, and Torture
3:00 pm – 4:30 pm

In the wake of 9/11 and the USA PATRIOT Act civil liberties are under attack. Muslims and immigrants have become scapegoats and suffered from ethnic and religious profiling, mass detentions, imprisonment, and hate crimes as a result. Meanwhile at Guantanomo, Abu Grahib, and elsewhere, U.S. policy has dismissed the Geneva Conventions and tried to legitimate the use of torture against those suspected of being terrorists. Learn about the impact of these new developments.


Rob Latham - Civil liberties and the Patriot Act
Mark Andrejevic - Background &critique of the administration's
torture policy
Mohamad Elmasry - Impact of the War on Muslims

Session 4. How Do We Stop the War on Terror?
5:00 pm – 6:30 pm

After the Sept. 24 anti-war demonstrations in Washington D.C. that drew hundreds of thousands of activists, including military families, veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan as well as previous wars, coupled with the growing discontent against George W. Bush indicates that the anti-war movement is still very much alive.How does the anti-war movement take the next step forward and what can we do to end the war?


Tom Lewis - What next for the anti-war movement?
Campus antiwar network (tentative) – the student antiwar movement


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