Update from regenia bailey
From: "Regenia Bailey" <regenia@baileyforiowacity.com>
>I will hold office hours on Friday, October 7 from 46 p.m. at the Iowa City/Johnson County Senior Center and on Friday, October 21 from 46 p.m. at the eastside Java House, 1575 First Avenue.
>No appointment is necessaryjust stop by to talk to me about your concerns and ideas for our community.
>The Council will hold a public hearing on the proposed Zoning Code on October 5 at 7 p.m. The new Code will affect Iowa City for decades. It is vital that citizens provide input into this process as it moves forward at the Council level.
>Early voting is now available for the October 11 City Council Primary. You may also vote early at the Iowa City Public Library on Saturday, October 8, from 10 a.m.6 p.m. and on Monday, October 10, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
>Visit the <http://www.johnson-county.com/auditor/voter/0510prim.htm>Auditors website for more information.
>On Tuesday, October 11 (yes, thats Primary Day), <http://www.iowavisionary.info/vision_in_focus.php>Visions in Focus will celebrate creativity. Beginning at 5:30 p.m. at Hancher Auditorium, the evening will include a showcase of the creative community in the Corridor, the <http://www.culturalaffairs.org/greatplaces/>Great Places Pilot Presentation, and Iowa Groove. The evening will end with a keynote address by <http://www.creativeclass.org/>Richard Florida, author of The Rise of the Creative Class, and The Flight of the Creative Class. Tickets for Visions in Focus are FREE and available by contacting <mailto:jennifer@iowacitycoralville.org>Jennifer at the <http://www.iowacitycoralville.org/>Iowa City/Coralville Convention and Visitors Bureau at 900 First Avenue in Coralville (337.6592) or by stopping by the UI Box Office in the <http://imu.uiowa.edu/iowa_house/maps/index.php>Iowa Memorial Union. Limit 4 tickets per person.
>Vote early and join us at <http://www.iowavisionary.info/vision_in_focus.php>Visions in Focus.
>There are MANY board and commission openings. Visit <http://www.baileyforiowacity.com/>www.baileyforiowacity.com for more information about these.
>If youd rather not receive these periodic updates, let me know at: <mailto:regenia@baileyforiowacity.com>regenia@baileyforiowacity.com
>Regenia D. Bailey
>430 Church Street
>Iowa City, IA 52245
>319.351.2068 (h)
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