Johnson County Democrats
Friday, September 30, 2005
Update from regenia bailey

From: "Regenia Bailey" <>

>I will hold office hours on Friday, October 7 from 4­6 p.m. at the Iowa City/Johnson County Senior Center and on Friday, October 21 from 4­6 p.m. at the eastside Java House, 1575 First Avenue.
>No appointment is necessary­just stop by to talk to me about your concerns and ideas for our community.
>The Council will hold a public hearing on the proposed Zoning Code on October 5 at 7 p.m. The new Code will affect Iowa City for decades. It is vital that citizens provide input into this process as it moves forward at the Council level.
>Early voting is now available for the October 11 City Council Primary. You may also vote early at the Iowa City Public Library on Saturday, October 8, from 10 a.m.­6 p.m. and on Monday, October 10, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
>Visit the <>Auditor’s website for more information.
>On Tuesday, October 11 (yes, that’s Primary Day), <>Visions in Focus will celebrate creativity. Beginning at 5:30 p.m. at Hancher Auditorium, the evening will include a showcase of the creative community in the Corridor, the <>Great Places Pilot Presentation, and Iowa Groove. The evening will end with a keynote address by <>Richard Florida, author of The Rise of the Creative Class, and The Flight of the Creative Class. Tickets for Visions in Focus are FREE and available by contacting <>Jennifer at the <>Iowa City/Coralville Convention and Visitors Bureau at 900 First Avenue in Coralville (337.6592) or by stopping by the UI Box Office in the <>Iowa Memorial Union. Limit 4 tickets per person.
>Vote early and join us at <>Visions in Focus.
>There are MANY board and commission openings. Visit <> for more information about these.
>If you’d rather not receive these periodic updates, let me know at: <>
>Regenia D. Bailey
>430 Church Street
>Iowa City, IA 52245
>319.351.2068 (h)


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