From Sarah Swisher: JC Dems BBQ
From Sarah Swisher <>
The day of our JC Dems Annual Barbecue is fast approaching. Saturday, September 24th we will gather again at 4PM (3pm for Minnette�s Tribute), this time at the Hills Community Center. We will hear from all of the Democratic Candidates for Governor and our great Congressional Candidate David Loebsack. This year our tireless Gina Schatteman will feel doubly rewarded after volunteering countless hours coordinating the event because we are giving our net proceeds from the door to hurricane relief efforts.
The challenge has been to raise enough money for our county party�s 2006 needs. Through 100 and 250 dollar host contributions we hope to raise enough to start to fund our real mission. The Central Committee recognizes the immediate needs of our Gulf Coast sisters and brothers but we know that long term relief from poverty requires a change in our nation�s leadership from the Whites House to Congress to our own state legislature.
Democrats not only put people to work at real jobs with good wages (prevailing wage jobs), but we have the foresight to plan for the safety and welfare of our citizens and the respect for our environment to at least attempt to prevent the devastation we have witnessed in the last month.
Please consider hosting our barbecue by giving $100.00 to your county party. Checks should be written to the Johnson County Democrats and sent to PO Box 1773, Iowa City, IA, 52240. Please confirm your donation by responding to this email at, or calling me on my cell 319-530-8364.
I have been calling lots of folks but if I have accidentally overlooked you, we can get your name in the program if you contact us by Friday.
And please, if you can afford more, give more. Ordinary Democrats are finding ways to contribute as much as $250.00. It is also possible to host with $50.00 and pledge of 25 hours of volunteer time. No dollar amount will be listed in the program.
Thanks for all you do every day living our Democratic = principles. Please don�t stop thinking about tomorrow.
In Solidarity,
Sarah Swisher
Johnson County Democrats
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