Johnson County Democrats
Monday, September 12, 2005
A Chance to Vote for Loebsack!


Our friend and Congressional Candidate David Loebsack is seeking an endorsement from Democracy for America (DFA). Their endorsement process includes voting by visitors to their website. The voting begins tomorrow (9/13). Please read the following email that was sent to David (and other Congressional Candidates) and consider supporting David.

Dave Redlawsk

From DFA:

Dear Congressional Candidate,

Thank you for applying for a Democracy for America endorsement. We help elect fiscally responsible, socially progressive candidates to all levels of office -- from school board to the United States Senate.

Earlier this year Democracy for America endorsed Paul Hackett for Congress in a special election in Ohio. We sent an email to our supporters urging them to contribute online to Paul's campaign and we reiterated the request through the Democracy for America website and blog. The response was this: over $90,000 in online, small dollar contributions to Paul Hackett in just 3 days. This money helped Paul go on the air days before his special election. He finished just four points from a victory in one of the most Republican congressional districts in the country.

Democracy for America wants to do the same for your congressional campaign.

Next week Democracy for America will host an online vote to determine which congressional candidate will receive our first 2006 DFA-List endorsement. The vote will be open to all challengers and open seat candidates. The candidate with the most votes at the end of balloting will receive a DFA-List endorsement and a national email appeal from DFA's Chair Jim Dean. We can't promise the same return as Paul Hackett's email produced, but this is an easy way for your campaign to gain national exposure, recruit online activists and raise much needed resources to get your campaign off to a strong start.

The voting will take place in two stages. First, we will hold an online vote to narrow the field of 30+ candidates that have applied for DFA's endorsement down to 10 candidates. We will then hold a second round among those 10 candidates to determine our first 2006 endorsement.

The voting for each round will last for five days (Tuesday-Saturday) and is open to all visitors to Safeguards will be in place to assure one person-one vote. Jim Dean's email appeal will be sent to DFA supporters on behalf of the top candidate during the week of September 27th.

Voting URL: (Note: The vote will start on Tuesday, 9/13)

To fully take advantage of this opportunity, I urge you to consider creative ways to encourage your supporters to vote next week. Democracy for America is committed to winning back the United States House and we are excited about raising your campaign the resources to win. Please feel free to contact me with any questions you may have about this opportunity:


Chris Warshaw
Political Director
Democracy for America


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