Johnson County Democrats
Monday, September 05, 2005
Cedar Dems' folk music festival

From: Mike Owen <>


Sunday (tomorrow!) Sept 4, the Cedar County Democrats are holding a
fundraiser at the Secrest Octagonal Barn west of Downey. Two candidates for
governor - Ed Fallon and Mike Blouin - will be there, and there will be
music from several artists. There's a suggested donation of $10/adult, $3

If you haven't been to the barn, it's a fascinating piece of architecture
that in itself is worth the trip. To get there, find your favorite route to
Downey, turn west on Cedar Street, and left (south) at the T-intersection.
The road will turn off to the west; the barn is about a mile down the road,
on the right.

Hope to see you Sunday!

Best regards,

Mike Owen
563 Oliphant St
West Branch, IA 52358
(319) 643-5714


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