Johnson County Democrats
Wednesday, May 04, 2005
Lunch with Dems, 5/20

From: David Redlawsk


Our next Lunch with Dems will be on FRIDAY MAY 20, from Noon to 1:00pm
at DIAMOND DAVES in the Old Capitol Mall. The plan is for these lunches
to be a regular monthly activity, generally on the 3rd Friday of the
month. No agenda, just a chance to get together with fellow Dems to
talk about whatever!

For our May lunch, Sheriff Lonny Pulkrabek will join us as our invited
elected official. Any other "electeds" are more than welcome to show up
as well; always the more the merrier.

No need to rsvp -- just come and we'll have lunch (dutch treat, of
course) and good Democratic camaraderie!



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