Johnson County Democrats
Tuesday, January 11, 2005

From: "Sarah Swisher"

Apparently I should clarify that I WILL serve out my full term as
chair.  Sorry if I was less than clear on this at our recent Central
Committee meeting.  The term ends after the caucuses in 06. I announced
early that I would not seek another term so that CC members might
consider and prepare for leadership roles through committee work and
other opportunities over the next year.

Thanks, David, for pointing out that a few folks misunderstood.  Thank
you all for all of your work.  Please call me 319-530-8364 if you have
any questions.

A reminder to all that the CC meetings have been moved to the first
Thursday of the month and will be at our new office, 102 2nd Ave in
Coralville next to the SEIU Hall.

Also please note the formation of 2 ad hoc committees: One to explore
the idea of email meeting notice (short term) and the other to support
Democratic Women running for office (Reginia Bailey appointed co-chair
with Pat Vunderink who will serve as an advisor).

We also passed a resolution to be forwarded to DNC Delegates from Iowa
to urge them to vote for a DNC Chair a Democrat who supports grassroots
organizing.  I will distribute the full wording of the resolution when
I get back from DC (I don't have it with me).




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