Saturday, November 06, 2004
Owen thanks
From: "Owen for Iowans"
As predicted, the sun came up this morning.
We fought hard, we fought cleanly, we fought for fair play in
government and politics, and we fought for the issues that matter to
all of us, our families and the future of our state. Â Let that be the
legacy we leave to future candidates who work to give us good
representation at the Statehouse. Â My hope, of course, is that they can
make it work better at the polls!
Deb and I can never thank you enough for everything you have done to
help us in this campaign and our first effort two years ago. Â It's been
a rewarding three years of effort and we close it with our heads held
high, and more than anything, so proud of the people who united through
our campaign in an effort to build a better Iowa.
Mike Owen
(319) 643-5714
Paid for by Owen for Iowans
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