Johnson County Democrats
Monday, November 01, 2004
Franker Leach- head to head

From: "Maureen Meyer"

Missed one of the FRANKER vs. LEACH Debates?

You’d been given a second chance to check them out!!


TONIGHT- Johnson County Agency on Aging Debate

Will replay at 8pm

Iowa City Public Access TV Channel 18


TONIGHT – Iowa Press’s version of “campaign 2004”

Will replay at 6:30pm

Iowa Public Television Channel 13 (12 without cable)


SATURDAY- Johnson County Agency on Aging Debate

Will replay at 10:30am

Iowa City Public Access TV Channel 18



Maureen E. Meyer
Campaign Manager
Franker for Congress
201 S. Clinton Street Suite #243
Iowa City, Ia. 52240
Office: 319-337-9396/Cell: 319-331-6171



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