Johnson County Democrats
Tuesday, November 16, 2004
Art Small

From: Rod Sullivan

Dear Democratic Friends:

I would like to point out an unsung hero of the 2004 election cycle.

Art Small did what none of the “big names” would do, and took on Chuck
Grassley. Art Small stepped up. This forced Grassley to spend his war

In taking on Grassley, Art took a financial risk. As you may have seen,
& Mary Jo are faced with $50,000 in campaign debt. Unless their
raise the money, this will come from their savings.

We should not let this happen. I want to suggest one last Small for
event. Let’s follow Art’s inspirational lead and step up. Tell every
Democrat you know, statewide, to write one last check.

In about 2 months, the “big names” will come calling. They will want
you to
fund their races for Governor, Congress, and the like. Before you write
those checks, remember who stepped up. Remember Art and Mary Jo.


Rod Sullivan


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