Johnson County Democrats
Sunday, October 03, 2004
Kerry in CR, 10/4

From: "Elizabeth Kerr"


The Kerry Campaign just announced that Senator Kerry will do a welcome
event when he arrives at the Cedar Rapids Airport tomorrow night. Dave
Franker, Dick Myers, and Gov. Vilsack are tentative participants. It’s
our job to get the people there, so we need to get the word out ASAP.

We’d like to see as many people there as possible. So, would you please
attend and send this info out to your personal and Dem lists? 

Also, if you have not heard yet, John Kerry will also be in Tipton for
a Town Hall Meeting Tuesday morning.

No tickets are required for Cedar Rapids. Tickets for the Tipton event
can be picked up at both Johnson and Linn County Democratic
Headquarters and at the Cats ‘n Dog Antique Shop in West Branch.

Details for both events are below.  Please call the Johnson County
Democrats Office at 319-337-VOTE, Franker for Congress at 319-337-9396,
or Ben Solow on his cell at 319-621-1781 with any questions. My contact
information is below.



Elizabeth Kerr



John Kerry will do two events over the next two days in our area:


Monday Evening

Airport Greeting

Cedar Rapids Airport

Piedmont-Hawthorne Terminal

Tentative program includes: Governor Vilsack, Dick Myers, Dave Franker

Doors open at 6:30 pm.



Tuesday Morning

Town Hall Meeting

Tipton Middle School

Program still undecided

Doors open at 7:30 am



Elizabeth Kerr

Finance Director

Franker for Congress

Office: 319-337-9396

Cell: 319-631-5841





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