Johnson County Democrats
Saturday, October 23, 2004
JCDems press release

From: Jeffrey Fields


Jeffrey Fields 319-936-1750

and James Moody 319-400-2824

Co-Chairs of Affirmative Action Committee

The Johnson County Democratic Party is outraged by Republican Sheriff
candidate Steve Snyder’s use of a racial slur. We are equally dismayed
that the Johnson County Republican Party continues to support Mr.
Snyder financially and otherwise. Mr. Snyder’s remarks are contrary to
all community standards and completely unacceptable. The people of
Johnson County deserve candidates, elected officials, and political
parties that respect and protect the rights of every member of the
community, regardless of age, gender, income, sexual orientation,
ethnicity, and race.

Though Mr. Snyder is critical of the current lack of diversity in the
Johnson County Sheriff Department, his remarks make it clear that he is
far less sensitive to the issue than he would have our community
believe. Many good people believe that the day of racially motivated
traffic stops and beatings has passed. As long the “N-word” slips from
the mouth of a candidate for Johnson County Sheriff, that day has not
passed. There is still much work to be done.

We do not blame the Republican Party for Mr. Snyder’s words, but we do
hold them responsible for failing to adequately address his racist
remarks. The Republican Party was given an opportunity to address this
matter before it was made public. Rather than take action concerning
Mr. Snyder, they chose to distance themselves from the source of the
incriminating DVD, as if the cameraman somehow forced Mr. Snyder to
make his remarks.

Mr. Snyder cannot offend the people of Johnson County like this and
expect everyone to forget it because he apologized. The slate is not
cleared; this is not a done deal. What he and the Republican Party
fail to understand is that racial slurs and other offensive remarks
tell the community that, “It’s okay to use offensive words as long as
you apologize.” It is not okay. It is not acceptable. This is one
time that “sorry” is not good enough.


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