Johnson County Democrats
Saturday, October 02, 2004
Franker/Leach debate, IPTV, 10/3, noon

From: Franker for Congress Campaign

Franker Debates Leach on IPTV Sunday, October 3, 12 noon

2nd district Democratic Congressional candidate Dave Franker's 2nd
debate with Republican Rep. Jim Leach took place at the Iowa Public
Television studio in Johnston on Friday, October 1.

It played on statewide IPTV Friday evening and will replay again on
Sunday, October 3, at 12 noon.

During the debate Dave advocated for 21st century jobs with affordable
health care, respect for seniors and Veterans in deeds and not just
words, and for no more labeling of Iowa schools and teachers as

Leach continued to repeat his self-described "moderate" approach, but
again declined to mention any specific initiative that he might have in
mind for the 2nd district in his hoped-for 15th term.

In international affairs Dave again asked Leach to join him in calling
for Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld's resignation as a first step
towards the restoration of America's standing in the world. Leach
refused, as he has on other occasions.

If you would like a copy of either debate ($10 to cover copying,
materials and postage) please send an email to or call 319-337-9396.


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