Johnson County Democrats
Monday, October 25, 2004
Franker-Leach-Litten on IC PATV 10/25

From: "Tom Carsner"

Watch ALL 3 of the 2nd district congressional candidates tonight on
PATV channel 18 at 7:30pm.

Candidates Kevin Litten, Dave Franker, and Jim Leach will discuss
their platforms tonight on a special 1 hour "Live & Local." The show
will replay Saturday (10/30) at noon and again Monday night (11/1) at

Live and Local is a bi-weekly, live series on Public Access TV which
addresses community topics and local politics. The show is produced by
staff, interns, and volunteers. Since 2000, PATV has produced over 100
episodes of L&L.

For more info about L&L:

Tom Carsner



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