Johnson County Democrats
Thursday, October 07, 2004

From: "Sarah Swisher"


Saturday, October 9th, 2004 319-530-8364

Iowa City, IA – The Johnson County Democratic Party will hold its
annual fundraiser Saturday, October 9th at the Johnson County
Fairgrounds in Iowa City.  The traditional event will feature barbecue
and vegetarian entrees, children’s activities, speakers and awards.

The Keynote Speaker is John Norris, the Kerry/Edwards National Field
Director.  Norris spearheaded John Kerry’s historic victory in the Iowa
Caucuses.  The former Chief of Staff to Congressman Leonard Boswell and
Governor Tom Vilsack ran for Congress in 2002 prior to picking the
state leadership role for Kerry.  He has the reputation of being
national expert on managing campaigns and getting out the vote.  He has
returned to his home state for the final Iowa push and will address
Democrats about his experiences in the center of a national
presidential campaign.

Other speakers include Iowa Democratic Party Chair Gordon Fisher and
Iowa Secretary of State, Chet Culver.

When: Saturday, October 9th, Noon to 4PM.
What: Kerry/Edwards National Field Director to address Johnson County
Where:  Johnson County Democratic Barbecue

               Johnson County Fair Grounds

               Riverside Drive

               Iowa City, Iowa


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