Johnson County Democrats
Thursday, September 16, 2004
Gearing up for GOTV

From: "Sarah Swisher"

Dear Friends:

After a phenomenal turnout for our absentee ballot training (149!!),
Johnson County is preparing to reap a record number of Democratic
votes. All total in 2000, in itself a record breaking year, 2,852
Democrats voted by mail. In 2004 Johnson County volunteers and our
amazing canvass team have generated well over 5,000 ballot request
forms from Democrats.

We will be asking you all to help make Johnson County a huge success
for John Kerry and the rest of our ticket. A big win in Johnson County
can put John Kerry over the top in Iowa and that, as we have all been
hearing, will make a difference in the nation.

I am honored that the Coordinated Campaign and the John Kerry Team have
asked me, as Chair of the Johnson County Democrats, to be their “Get
Out the Vote” chair for Johnson County. Let me be clear that this is a
voluntary position and the lions’ share of the work, as always, is
shouldered by all of our great volunteers, precinct captains, staff and
officers of the county party.

Democrats will still receive, probably frequently, communication from
our talented local staff: Megan Heneke, Rod Sullivan and Jeff Duttan.
But you may, on occasion, receive a call or request from me. I also
want to assist the staff by asking that if you have concerns or
questions like “where is my yard sign?” or “why can’t I get an open
phone line at headquarters?” that you give me call. All executive
committee communication with the Coordinated Campaign should funnel
through me as well. Now, of course, everyone should feel free to
“RSVP” or ask Megan or anyone routine questions about the program.
Likewise, please send any emails that go beyond routine campaign
business to me at

Thank you to you all for helping us set this fantastic record! My cell
phone number is 319-530-8364 (please don’t call after 10PM or before
8AM). Now, lets get those ballots in and sign up for our (newly named)
neighbor to neighbor program to help legislative candidates around
Eastern Iowa!

In Solidarity
Sarah Swisher
Chair, Johnson County Democrats

PS: I will be keeping office hours at headquarters beginning tomorrow
and through election day.

Sunday Noon to 2 PM
Monday 2-4PM
Wednesday 4-6PM
Friday 11-1PM


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