Johnson County Democrats
Sunday, September 12, 2004
A Choice Evening: Activist Training, 9/13

From: Andrew Goedeken

Greetings Friends of Choice!

I am pleased to announce the first event presented by the Johnson County Choice Action Team, a group sponsored by NARAL Pro-Choice America in Iowa.

A Choice Evening: Activist Training will be held on Monday, September 13, 2004 at 7:00pm at the Iowa City Public Library (123 S. Linn St., Iowa City) in Meeting Room A. The training will feature Karen Kubby, the Executive Director of the Emma Goldman Clinic in Iowa City. Area decision-makers have also been invited to share in the discussion.

Please join us to learn how to protect choice in our community and beyond!

Yours in pro-choice solidarity,

Andrew :)

Andrew M. Goedeken

Regional Organizing Staff

NARAL Pro-Choice America in Iowa

Phone: 319-321-2232


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