Johnson County Democrats
Monday, September 06, 2004
August CC mtg minutes
From: Pauline Taylor

Johnson County Democrats Meeting Minutes
August 11, 2004 Johnson County Headquarters

Meeting called to order by 1st Vice Chair David Redlawsk

Approval of meeting minutes postponed to give members a chance to review

Chairs report: Sarah Swisher excused --her written report will be submitted
on list serve

1st Vice Chair David Redlawsk no report but filling in as Chair of the
meeting, he recognized the elected officials that were present

2nd Vice Chair Brian Flaherty no report

Secretary Pauline Taylor report delayed until Pauline arrives

Treasurer Bev Jones gave Financial report--reports that fundraiser letter
has been very successful and that 15 people have signed up for the Victory
Fund--Treasurer¹s report approved

Membership Chair John Deeth excused

Concerns Chair Gary Smith excused

Finance Chair Kirsten Running reviewed financial info

Publicity--Matt Taylor no report

State/District Central Committee--Carol Porch gave report that their
committee(s) have not met since our last central committee meeting, but she
gave an update on some upcoming state events: Saturday September 18th State
Central Committee meeting/ Harkin fundraiser September 19th and the JJ
Dinner tentatively scheduled for Saturday October 16th.

U Dems--no report

Secretary Pauline Taylor arrived and distributed copies of June and July
meeting minutes--members voted to table approval of minutes until next
meeting to allow time to look them over

Reports given on experiences at the Democratic National Convention by Tom
Carsner, Dave Leschtz and Megan.

Dave Franker spoke regarding his campaign. He introduce Liz Kerr (his
Finance Chair) to discuss some upcoming events. The campaign is looking for
people to host house parties--if you are interested check the Listserve

Staff reports: Rod Sullivan thanked everyone who has participated in any of
the parades--two parades left for the season--one in Lone Tree on Sept 21st
and Homecoming in October--let Rod know if you can participate in either of
these. He gave a review of the GOTV plan with it¹s 3 legs 1) call and chase
program 2)Frontier area and 3) precinct captains and volunteers. He
reminded folks that if they were at this meeting they would be considered a
volunteer . First training session for precinct captains will be August
28th at 10am. There is voice mail now on the 337-VOTE phone number. Help
is really needed at the front desk from 4-8pm. Please consider signing up
for this. Megan reported on the importance of the call and chase program in
getting out the absentee ballots . Senator Bob Dvorsky brought up point
that a large number of early votes in Johnson County are cast at satellite
voting sites.

Tom Carsner brought up discussion of Loretta Cilek Fund and the fact that
Lonny Pulkrabek has a Republican opponent. He made a motion and it was
seconded to send $1000.00 to the Lonny Pulkrabek campaign. Discussion of
the motion included 1) concern by Bev that the account might have to have a
minimum balance maintained , 2) whether $500.00 might ok and 3)
whether there might be opponents of other parties in the Board of
Supervisor¹s race. Motion was made to amend the amount in the motion to be
$500.00. Vote on amending the motion passed by voice vote. Vote taken on
motion as amended passed unanimously by voice vote to donate $500.00 from
the Cilek Fund to the Pulkrabek campaign

Lonny Pulkrabek thanked everyone for the donation.

Lonny nominated Amy Green to be the Central Committee person for Fremont.
Matt Taylor confirmed the vacancy. Voice vote taken . Motion to elect Amy
Green by Acclimation passed unanimously. Welcome Amy.

Senator Bob Dvorsky spoke on behalf of the candidates who were not able to
be at meeting tonight because they Œre hard at work for their campaigns..
He reminded folks that there was still a chance at the raffle for the 2004
Mustang at $50.00 a ticket .

Jen Hemmings from the Art Small campaign reported that Art was at the State
Fair parade and was going to have a booth at the fair.

Lonny announced a Music in the Park fundraiser August 28th at Randall Park
in Solon

Nancy Porter announced that September 22nd teachers are holding house
parties to raise public awareness of issues of concern

Dave Redlawsk thanked people for signing the nomination petition for his
wife who is running for ICCSD School Board.

Dave invited folks to attend the Sertoma Airport Breakfast Fundraiser on
Sunday August 29th 8am to 2pm.

Reminder that next meeting is Wednesday September 8th.

Motion made to adjourn. Meeting adjourned at 8:20pm.

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