Johnson County Democrats
Saturday, August 28, 2004
Frontier Program
From: Rod Sullivan

Johnson County is strongly Democratic.

A few years ago, party leaders decided the Johnson County Democratic Party
was strong enough to go beyond its' borders to help take back the Iowa

With this in mind, an effort (nicknamed "Frontier Democrats") has been
underway for some time to help out in neighboring Legislative Districts.

Now, we need your help. We need groups of friends, coworkers, neighbors,
etc. to pick a Saturday morning, Saturday afternoon, or Sunday afternoon,
and volunteer to travel a bit. We guarantee to take up only 4 hours
(maximum) of your time, unless you choose to do more.

We have work we can do in West Branch, Tipton, West Liberty, Riverside,
Washington, Muscatine, Wellman, Williamsburg, Marengo, Monticello, Anamosa,
Van Horne, Vinton, and everywhere in between. None of these places are far
from Johnson County; all figure heavily into who will control the Iowa

Please contact Rod Sullivan at if you are interested
in helping out.

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